The Remedy for All Your Business Woes?

You might think that the grand, overall solution to the ‘better business’ conundrum is ‘more clients’. But, it’s not. More clients can cause ‘death by success’, if you’re not equipped to handle every…


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Stepping out of line

Stepping out of line is dangerous. You’re going to be criticized for making decisions that no one asked asked you to make, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t make those decisions.

Finance college, finance a car, mortgage a house, put 15% into retirement, and save the rest in a college fund for your children. Each of those actions are in line with what society is telling you to do with your money.

Maybe we should step out of line and pave our own paths. After all, staying in line got us 1.5 trillion in student loan debt. We can find a better way forward.

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